Battlefield V Headlines PlayStation Plus Games for May


Then this week, the calendar will flip into May, which means it will be the time for the new Playstation Plus game. Sony today revealed what the games are, announced a free pair of games for Playstation 4 and one match specifically for Playstation 5. It seems that Sony has several big names lined up for May too.

PlayStation 5 users will get a copy of Wreckfest: Hard Drive, Die Last for free next month. Competitive racers described as “full contact,” the player must update their car so they can survive from some reckless driving on the road to the finish line. Wreckfest offers multiplayer mode that can support 24 players and challenges that even put you behind the harvest harvesting steering, so it can be worth the bandwidth for those who enjoy strange racing games.

On Playstation 4, there are two fairly large names offered. The first is Battlefield V, the latest battlefield match to get out of dice and EA. This is the title of the battlefield that carries the series back to World War 2, and while Dice and EA have confirmed that there is a new Mainline Battlefield game this year, it might still be plenty of time to dive into Battlefield V before it is succeeded by the new title.

The second game to be contested for PlayStation 4 will be stranded in, open world survival games that require you safely from the Pacific Ocean. Like many games survive today, you have to keep an eye on your health, thirst, and exposure when you play, make a more complicated survival than making sure you don’t get the match with a hungry shark.

Although wreckfest is also available on Playstation 4, it is important to note that it will only be available for PS5 users next month. All of these games will be available from May 4 to May 31. The April game is still available to claim and will be until May 3, so be sure to add it to your library if you haven’t done it yet.