Iitigation investigations in Materials Engineering


Investigation of materials is not an easy process and it requires a lot of caution on the side of the student. The major responsibility of students when conducting an investigation is to collect as many data as possible from various resources. He must collect samples using different techniques and then carry out the physical tests needed for them. Ministry of Research & Development Materials took samples for analysis to check the actual state of the sample.

During the investigation, students tried to find out the main factors responsible for the properties of the sample material. Data analysis collected helps in getting the main physical or chemical properties of the material. Material science holds the key to understanding the underlying laws involved in material behavior as a response to temperature, pressure, electromagnetic radiation and other external factors.

The physical properties of the material depend on the nature of the constituents. Materials can consist of a number of constituents that may be the same in their chemical makeup or may be different in their chemical makeup but maybe similar in other cases. Therefore, there may be several material compositions that might be similar but have different properties. This property is called components of materials and these components determine the physical behavior and chemical material. This is the reason why there are many types of materials in the real world including thermoplastics, plastic, composite, composite thermoset, composite thermoform etc. Various properties of different materials and their chemical composition are investigated by students during the science material investigation.

Students must prepare detailed reports that describe various physical and chemical properties and other important facts about research work they have done in the selected area. This must be conveyed along with their experiments to the instructor to be reviewed. The purpose of the iitigation is to analyze the material along with its properties to achieve conclusions about their usefulness in the field of person’s expertise.

Before starting an investigation, students must buy the necessary material and accessories needed to carry out investigations. Accessories can be purchased from a good retailer who sells these ingredients. Someone can also buy this according to their requirements. All settings can be done completely in the Institute’s study room or can also be done in the lab.