5 Top FPS games that make the PlayStation Plus card really worth it!


It’s no secret that PS Plus subscriptions are needed for all PlayStation console owners who want to enjoy multiplayer mode or online cooperatives from their favorite games.

Basically, the PlayStation network service is free, so it is possible to enjoy a single game campaign game without problems, and thus, someone might question whether the PS Plus card is actually worth it. In fact, the following FPS game available on PS4 must be considered before jumping on the initial conclusion.

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destiny 2.

Halo franchise games will never be available on PS4, because the brand belongs to Microsoft – Sony competitors. However, when using Playstation Plus PS4 card owners can still enjoy a great alternative – Destiny 2. Why is this specific game one of the best alternatives to Hello? It was made by the original creator of Halo – Bungie Studios! Game creators use their years of experience with the Halo franchise when making this original new IP.

Destiny 2 is the first MMO person shooter game with RPG elements. Even though the game is FPS, the camera shifts to the third perspective in the social hub area. The player assumes the role of the guardian of the last human city on earth which is empowered by a good alien artifact known as travelers.

Naturally, the PlayStation Plus card is needed to play games because this is a special online experience, then, apart from PVP content, players can also enjoy a well-written PVE search that occurs throughout the solar system.

4 overwatch.

It will not be a stretch to say that overwatch is currently one of the most popular – if not the most popular – FPS online at the contemporary game market.

This game has a population of more than 40 million players around the world and does not show signs of stopping. This game was developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment and was launched in 2016. Exactly from Get-Go, Overwatch gained massive popularity and critical praise.

After you start going into Overwatch, you will see that the PlayStation Plus card is one of the requirements to play it, and it’s more than worth it. Competitive multiplayer games have 31 heroes with very different playstyles and cosmetic adjustment options that cannot be opened.

Overall, the game looks stunning and pleasing to the eye, because of the pursuit of animated aesthetics inspired by animation and an unusual looking character model that continues to inspire cosplay culture and online fan art.

3 Tasks: Modern warfare

After years of experimenting with popular trends and futuristic settings, the franchise call duty no longer suffers from identity crises. The 2019 series iteration attracts inspiration from its own history and the fan loved by the roots.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) brings players back to the nostalgic time period measured between 2007 and 2011. The PlayStation Plus card will once again open a full spectrum of possibilities that multiplayer mode is famous – can offer.

Call of Duty: Modern warfare campaigns feature familiar characters from past games, such as captain prices, however, the latest games do not continue the story of modern war 3 and serve more like rebooting into the subferated modern warfare of the franchise.

Multiplayer sees the return of online game classic calls like a land war – this time involving up to 64 players! Not to mention epic killstreak rewards such as tactical nukes which were first introduced back in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

2TitanFall 2.

Those who happened to have a Playstation Plus card in December 2019 were very lucky