Clubhouse for Android overall overall


Only audio social media platform has been at the center of the Internet’s attention since last year. Although it benefits from a certain level of popularity, the network itself has been very limited to whom it is able to reach. Clubhouse has opened a few users of Android last week, but unlike its pace in recent months, it quickly expands the availability of application to all members of the world. That is, you already have an invitation to join the club always exclusive.

The popularity of Clubhouse can have been thanks to the perfect timing. It happened just when people lived what was labeled as “zoom fatigue” and offered a touch of human interaction that goes beyond text messages. He exploded on the social media scene, although it was limited to the scope, a situation that the Facebook and Twitter’s tastes definitively took note of.

The social network has also been exclusive to iOS devices from the beginning, but an Android application has been promised since last year. The signs of the existence of this application showed last month and Clubhouse officially announced its beta last week, although some major limitations.

One of these limitations will be withdrawn from the next few days, the Club House reveals on Twitter. Tuesday, it will open the doors to users of Japan, Brazil and Russia, to follow by Nigeria and India Friday morning. By Friday, it expects the Android application to be available for download around the world.

You should always be prompted to jump on the network, even if you already apply. Despite this rapid but long expansion in suffe