Solar orbiters detect small and bright campfires in the sun


SpaceECraft Esa Solar orbiters are currently studying the sun. Among the inventions made by the spacecraft so far is a surprising amount of small and very bright areas in the hot solar corona that have not been found by other spacecraft. Tiny Flare found in the measurement data collected from extreme ultraviolet imager (Eui) taken during the commissioning instrument in last year’s space.

The team said flares occur far more often than larger flares that occur in the sun. Researchers believe this can be one of the missing pieces of the puzzle they need to explain the “almost unimaginable” hot temperatures at Solar Corona. This small flare duration is between 10 and 200 seconds, and they are known as solar campfires.

Small bonfire temperatures reach between 1 million and 1.6 million degrees Celsius. While they are described as small, they are actually between 400 and 4,000 kilometers long and extend 1000 to 5,000 kilometers above the Sun Photosphere. Corona solar is very hot with a temperature of around 1 million degrees Celsius, while the Photosphere has a temperature of around 5500 degrees Celsius.

The researchers have long tried to determine what caused the outside atmosphere of the sun to be hotter than the surface, and the question is one of the biggest mysteries in sun physics. The researchers say computer simulations show a re-connection of the campfire drive and can produce enough energy to maintain the temperature of the corona.

The solar rays emit very short ultraviolet light with high intensity for a short time. In the picture, they appear as small bright spots. So far, the team has studied the properties of the 1500 campfires that offer the characterization of the most comprehensive phenomenon. A study of campfires will be published in the coming weeks.